
Families Feeling Better


Who We Are

Healios is an entirely remote independent health care company. Currently, we are largely NHS-commissioned working alongside CAMHS services across England, Scotland, and Wales. We operate in three services:

  1. Neurodevelopment (all NHS clients referred to Healios for Autism)
  2. Neurodevelopment + (all other ND conditions including ADHD under our NHS Partnerships)
  3. Integrated Therapeutic Services (Private Pay Service - Melios, Psychotherapeutic Services, Healios Associates focusing on ND conditions, mental health and collaborative multidisciplinary care)

The NHS services that we work with will have identified needs for the Children and Young People (CYP) in their care. We deliver Neurodevelopmental Assessments for Autism and ADHD and post-diagnostic intervention and support. We also offer Mental Health Assessments for a range of conditions and presentations and post-diagnosis intervention and support.

Within our clinical teams, we have Psychologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Nurses.


Our Clients

Mental Health

Within our Mental Health service, the majority of the referrals we receive come from Tier 3 CAMHS services, which provides a reference point for considering the complexity of the referrals we receive in terms of the duration of difficulties and possible comorbid needs. CYP accessing CAMHS may be experiencing difficulties with anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation, eating distress, or trauma. Some of our clients may have Neurodevelopmental differences (Autism or ADHD) either diagnosed, suspected, or not yet recognised.


Within our Neurodevelopmental service, the majority of the referrals we receive come from existing Autism and ADHD NHS services across the country most of which are struggling with extremely high wait times.