What to Expect:

At Healios, we use Codility to evaluate the technical skills of candidates who are interested in joining our team. Codility interviews typically involve a coding exercise that candidates complete in a designated amount of time, usually between 1-2 hours. The exercise is completed online using the Codility platform and is designed to assess a candidate's programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail.

The coding exercise may involve solving algorithmic problems, implementing a given specification in Ruby or Python, or debugging existing code written in either language. Candidates must be familiar with their chosen language to successfully complete the exercise.

Candidates are often allowed to use the Internet to look up language documentation, but they cannot communicate with anyone else during the interview. Once the time limit has expired, the candidate submits their code, which is automatically evaluated by the Codility platform.

How we ensure our assessment is fair and inclusive:

We are committed to reducing unconscious bias in our hiring process, and one of the ways we do this is by conducting blind reviews of candidate tasks. This means that the reviewers will not have access to any identifying information about the candidate, such as their name, gender, or location. Instead, they will evaluate the task solely based on the quality of the code and the candidate's problem-solving abilities. We believe that this approach helps ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly and based solely on their skills and merit.

We understand it can be difficult finding time to complete a technical task and we want to be able to work around your commitments as appropriate. We’re open to candidates sharing or discussing a piece of code or project they have already worked on.

This can provide us with valuable insight into the candidate's thought process, problem-solving abilities, and overall programming skills. We understand those live coding sessions may not be everyone's strength, so we encourage candidates to showcase their strengths in whatever way they feel most comfortable. Candidates can share their code through a screen-share, provide us with a GitHub repository, or simply talk us through their thought processes during the project. Regardless of the format, we value the opportunity to see how candidates approach problems and make decisions when working on a programming project.

Inclusive of Neurodiversity:

We understand that Codility interviews may pose unique challenges for individuals who are neurodiverse. For example, some individuals may struggle with timed exercises, find it difficult to focus on a screen for an extended period, or have difficulty with certain types of coding exercises.

At Healios, we are committed to accommodating neurodiversity and provide the following options: