Meet Healios (Yellow) Our hiring process - Image (1).png

The hiring process gives us a great opportunity to meet you and find out more about your experience, skillset and background. It also gives you an insight and opportunity to meet us and find out how Healios aligns with your aspirations and values. Our aim is to give you a detailed overview of Healios and the role you are applying for, enabling you to leave feeling as though you have learnt more about us and why we love working for Healios so much!

Throughout the process you will be given the opportunity to meet with our Talent Acquisition Team, as well as our Team Leads and Head’s of Clinical Division who will also love to share their own personal experience of joining Healios.

Mental Health Clinician

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What to expect:

  1. Your interview may be in the format of an interview where you will be joined by a panel of 2 interviewers, or it could be in an assessment center format where you will with meet several members of the Clinical and Talent Acquisition Team, as well as other like minded clinicians who you may end up working closely with in the near future
  2. We will be looking to hear how experienced you are within your field, what your thought process would be within certain scenarios and circumstances and we will be looking to see if you align to our values at Healios
  3. During your interview we will also ask you to undertake a short role play. We will talk through a vignette and ensure you understand it before we go into role play mode!
  4. We are very passionate about making sure we find the right people to come onboard and join our mission, but it is just as important that you use this opportunity to make sure you feel that Healios is right for you too!

Neurodevelopment Practitioner (ADHD/Autism)

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What to expect:

  1. Your interview process will be in the format of a phone interview with the Talent Acquisition Lead, followed by a written task (to be completed in your own time) and panel interview