Meet Healios (Yellow) Commit - Image.png

We come from all different backgrounds, which is why Healios places a high value on diversity, equality, and inclusion.

We employ excellent individuals from a wide range of backgrounds not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it strengthens our business. We want the demographics of our clients and users to be reflected in our team.

These are the things we’ll keep doing and improving as we scale:

Career Progression Framework - Performance & Growth

Our Career Progression Framework helps to make Healios a great place to work by giving every member of our community a way to envision and build their career with us.

It's a common misconception that progression can only be achieved by becoming people managers. This really isn't the case. That's why we have opted with the common 'two tracks' to progress in the industry, which allows for a career's worth of progression either by remaining as an individual contributor, or as a people manager.

All members of the team have quarterly development conversations based on the progression framework and we conduct bi-annual level and salary reviews.

Structured 1-2-1s via Culture Amp

We rolled out a tool through Culture Amp to help support 1-2-1 meetings. The tool provides structure and helps managers and employees have more meaningful, continuous conversations. It includes a shared agenda, self reflection tool, a predefined check in to promote deeper discussions on topics that impact the employee’s experience at work, and shared notes for clear next steps and items to discuss in the future.

Manager Training

At Healios we know that people our are greatest asset and if you join as a People Manager you are in a unique position to support and develop our wonderful teams across the organisation.

In 2022/2023 we rolled out Manager Training through Mind Gym. This is our first ever Leadership development programme, focused on psychology and practicable skills. It’s designed to help our Managers develop their people manager skillset.