Meet Healios (Orange) Things working - image.png


Platform MVP

Build a platform that facilitates secure video sessions between young people and our clinicians. Secure medical notes, NHS referral system, booking and scheduling. Validate key functionality that automates some of the more repetitive tasks that clinicians have to do.


Seamless Experience

Our systems are operational, but there are inefficiencies and manual workarounds that impede our ability to scale. By intensely focusing on user experience (for children and young adults, their families, and our clinicians), and ensuring we have the right technical foundations, we can unlock the next stages of our growth.


Clinician Superpowers

We’re currently in the discovery stage. How might we harness the power of our data to enable our clinical team to be even better at their jobs? We have loads of ideas in this area; think real-time insights, personalisation and lots of clever machine learning.


Digitally Led Care

The number of young people who need our help is staggering. To scale to meet this demand, we have to switch to a model where technology does a lot of the work, assisted by our wonderful team of clinicians.
